Thursday, April 19, 2012

How Customers Think

I have been reading How Customers Think by Gerald Zaltman. I have really enjoyed Zaltmans insights. He introduces this idea that most of our decisions are made by our unconscious mind, and points out that as marketers we tend to focus logical benefits when we make our strategies. Here is a quote from the book:

"The limitation of this belief [that customers can explain their decisions] and the research practices it fosters stem from the assumption that most of our thinking takes place in our conscious minds. In actuality, consumers have far less access to their own mental activities than marketers give them credit for. Ninety-five percent of thinking takes place in our unconscious minds."

What a powerful idea to understand! I think at times we can get wrapped up in frame works and steps and forget to really understand the consumer, and overlook the deep metaphors that are driving their decisions.

I have had quite a few "ah-ha" moments as I have read, and if anyone is looking to learn more about consumer decisions, I highly recommend this book!

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