Monday, April 23, 2012

WebOS, you will be missed

After holding on to my Palm Pre for almost 3 year (and palm phones and PDS for 13+ years), I finally gave it up this weekend...for an iPhone. It was a sad day. I already miss it...kind of. Anyone who has used a WebOS device understands what I mean. WebOS is such an awesome mobile operating system, but without apps and adequate hardware I had to let it go.

Having an iPad, I knew the trade offs I would make in operating system and hesitantly traded in the Pre. I miss opening new cards, using "just type" and all the on screen gestures. I don't miss a lack of working apps.

As I was trying to decide to switch to an iPhone 4S, Galaxy Nexus S2, wait for the new iPhone (June, October, who knows), or wait for the Galaxy S3, or hope that one day someone buys WebOS and makes a phone, I realized that it comes down to the apps. That's it! Everything else is more or less a point of parody (PoPs). They all have high quality cameras, similar speeds, make phone calls, get emails, send txt's, etc. The app offering is the point of difference (PoDs). This is what ultimately drove my decision. I knew exactly what apps I had on my iPad that I wish I had on my Pre and I know other people who have gone with Android phones for the same reason. Do I love my new iPhone? No, I love my apps. Yes I miss the OS, but the benefits from the apps far out weight the benefits of the OS.

Moral of the story, watch your PoPs and PoDs.

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